Norah's in the Hiz-ouze!

Here is a collaboration of photos from this past month. If you can’t tell, Norah is pretty dominant when it comes to playing with Charlie. Both Norah and Charlie love each other a lot and we just hope that they continue to love each other as much as they do now.

Let me explain the one with our cat, Bailey. I was in the other room, and I could hear Bailey meowing, so I knew that Norah was doing something annoying to her. Then there was silence. And then I walked out to the living room, and discovered Bailey on the couch as is. Need I say more!

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2 Responses to “Norah's in the Hiz-ouze!”

  1. Lisa says:

    Wow! I don’t know what’s more impressive–Norah’s determination to get a tutu on the cat, or Bailey’s patience in putting up with it! That would never fly in our house, at least not without some serious injuries.

    Very cute pics! We should get together for brunch soon!

  2. Kristen says:

    Your blog always cracks me up! LOVE IT! I especially like the shots of Norah the jewelry stylist. Even your cat looks fancy. :)

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