The Mouse Whisperer…

Well, not really. The other afternoon we went to the park. Charlie is not walking yet and the ground is real squishy, so when he does crawl and gets things on his hands then he usually stops to pick it up and has always been real good about handing me things like little rocks, pebbles, wood chips, garbage, and NOT PUTTING IT INTO HIS MOUTH. Charlie was about 10 feet away from me, and I was keeping my eye on Norah on a slide, and then looked over at Charlie and could tell that he had something in his hand. I walked towards him and as I got closer, I realized that he was holding a DEAD BABY MOUSE IN HIS HAND! Part of me wanted to scream, but the other part of me said to myself, remain calm. I told Charlie to put it down and he dropped it, and I kicked it over to the side with my shoe, as I was squirming inside beyond belief. Then to add to the fun, Norah came running over as she could tell something was going on. She was VERY interested in the dead mouse as well. Ewwwww. And as she was bending down, staring at it, she says to her dad, “DAD-I think that I just saw it’s eyes open.” Ryan then said, No, the mouse is dead and his eyes are not opening. And then our sweet little girl says, “Should we smash it?”
We both tried so hard not to laugh, but Ryan politely said, “No we are not going to smash it. It’s already dead.” Sigh…..

One Response to “The Mouse Whisperer…”

  1. Lisa says:

    Gah! Good job keeping calm, though. I probably would have run around in small circles, freaking out. I love the smashing comment–Norah cracks me up!

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