Archive for August, 2008

Election 2008

Saturday, August 23rd, 2008

I (Melinda) finally took Norah today to see the movie, Wall•E and as I was standing in line to get some popcorn, she noticed an older man with white hair. She then started tugging at my pants, and looked me very seriously in the eye and then asked me, “Mom….is that John McCain?” Man, I tried so hard not to laugh, but it was the cutest thing!

On a side note: we still need to post lots of pix from out trip back to Iowa. Lots o’ fun was had, spent with cousins, my big bro, and my all time favorite, the Iowa State Fair.

Happy 99Yrs Young, Grandma!

Sunday, August 3rd, 2008

On Melinda’s dad’s side, her grandmother turned 99 TODAY! And here is proof that there are 4 generations of Gamble’s. My grandma also has 5 generations with some of her other kids, as my dad is the baby of the family. It’s quite amazing and she is still sharper than a tack! We love you grandma!

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Flower Power

Friday, August 1st, 2008

Just thought I’d share some pix of our beautiful flowers on our balcony. Norah is very helpful by watering them everyday. Enjoy!

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Tye-Dyin' Mania

Friday, August 1st, 2008

Mom got inspired from an article in the most recent issue of Parents magazine. So off to the fabric store and Target with the help of Norah, we purchased everything that we needed for our Tye-Dye Extravaganza. It ended up to be a little expensive, and such a rainy day, but we didn’t let any of that spoil our FUN! Besides that, I never thought that this style would be back in fashion, but I see it everywhere now. Especially on the kids! Thank goodness I’m keeping up with the styles, cause I’d hate to be that mom, where people say, “What was she thinking by dressing her kids like that!!!!!” 😉

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'Consin Dells

Friday, August 1st, 2008

Norah prefers to pronounce it ‘Consin vs. Wisconsin. Regardless, We Had A Blast! We stayed at the Kalahari resort and had a real nice suite which we shared with Eric and Susan, Andy, Shawn and their 3 kids, Zoe, Jacks, and Finn. It worked out real well, and thank goodness we were on the first floor. We had a nice patio that led to a separate pool, which was simply what the kids needed, when we didn’t want to deal with all the madness with the waterpark. Trust me, it’s HUGE and crazy busy, but was soooo much fun. We also met up with John and Kristie, and their children, Zach and Rachel. Unfortunately, we have pix of them on our “other” camera, which we’re not as good about posting. We’ll try our best to include some video, as Norah went mini golfing for her very first time! It was a hoot!
We are going to try and make this an annual event, so the more the merrier! I guess that I should start planning/organizing NOW, for July 2009!

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