Archive for February, 2009

A Conversation with Norah

Friday, February 20th, 2009

Last night, Norah had an interesting conversation with both myself and Ryan separately, but about the same topic. The following is my exchange with her last night while tucking her into bed.

Norah: Did you know that I don’t ever sleep? Instead, I just close my eyes and think about things. I’m just thinking….with my eyes closed…and I’m not sleeping. Oh….and I get all my energy from the food that I eat, so I don’t have to sleep. Isn’t that amazing?

Melinda: WOW….that’s amazing Norah. Why don’t you lay there, close your eyes, and start doing all the thinking that you do, all the hours of the night.

Norah: OK, mama, but I’m just thinking….I’m not sleeping.

Melinda: I love you Norah. Sweet dreams my darling. Don’t let the bedbugs bite! Hug….Kiss…

Norah: I love you too, mama. Don’t let the bedbugs bite….Hug….Kiss.

What's your middle name?

Saturday, February 14th, 2009

Norah has officially declared Friday’s to be; “Call me by my middle name day!”
So please meet our family. Jay (Ryan), Ann (Melinda), Jane, (Norah) and Nelson (Charlie.)

The 2 Cutest Kids in the Universe!

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

Introducing, Norah Jane and Charlie Nelson!!!!

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