Archive for March, 2009

Norah's Tutu

Sunday, March 29th, 2009

Please check out this link.

I just added my good friend and artist, Angela Bentley Fife’s art blog over on the right side under “friends of nog+chog.” This was the tutu from Norah’s 1st ballet recital. Ang is a dear friend of mine from back in the day when I worked/painted at Sticks. She is an amazing artist and I knew that if anyone could tackle painting this, that it could only be Ang. We will treasure this painting for the rest of our lives. It is simply, BEAUTIFUL. Thank You, Angela.

Did I mention that we are going to Florida?

Sunday, March 29th, 2009

We awoke this morning, to a beautiful snowfall. We knew that it was coming, and even though we’ve had some real nice warm weather the past few weeks, the snow was a bit more welcoming than I anticipated. Norah and I headed up on our rooftop to build a snowman (hopefully the last for this winter) and the best part of our rooftop is that it is untouched by anyone, dogs, people and what not. It’s perfect as we don’t have to worry about mud, traffic, dog pee and best of all, it’s like a little sanctuary up there. We usually go up there with our neighbors, Kristen and her son AJ, but they happen to be in Florida as I type. (Please excuse the blue tint on the photos. I didn’t realize that Ryan had adjusted the settings of the camera this way, and it was hard to tell, when I was up there.) We built 2 snowmen. The first one toppled over during our photo shoot, so then we had to re-build him, so to speak. We had a blast and the snow was perfect for snowballs. Charlie napped and Dad worked on our taxes. Thank you Daddy for doing that, so we could have fun in the snow. By the way…Did I mention that we are going to Florida in a couple days? 😉

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Been MIA..

Sunday, March 29th, 2009

A LOT, has been going on over here and we’ve been super busy to say the least. We all had croup (culprit, Norah) and then both Ryan and Charlie are getting over ear infections in their right ear. Like father, like son. We head to Florida on Tuesday for a week with some good friends of ours. We are very much in need of a vacation and look forward to bummin’ around on the beach.
Here are some pix from what’s been going on around our loft and what not…

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